Weekly Meetings:

Sunday Morning:             9:00 am - 10:00 am 

Wednesday Evening:      7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

2024 Events:

January 19th - Game Night

February 24th -  Rare Air

March 27th - Pizza Party

April 26th - 27th - Lock-in

May 17th - Nerf Battle Night

June 14th - SOFSB

July 7th - 13th - Mt. Hope Bible Camp

August - Pool Party

September - Movie Night

October - Oasis Fun Center

November - Friendsgiving

December - Christmas Lights & Christmas Party

                                          Jr. High Ministry

Anderson Church of Christ Junior High Youth Group meets on Sunday at 9:00 am and Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

Our group studies a different topic about God and Jesus every four weeks.

Sunday Topic:



*Students will study what has become known as the "Colossian Hymn" as they celebrate the King: Jesus. 

*The importance of being rooted in the Bible and tightly connected to the local church will be studied and emphasized as students examine the challenge and encouragement Paul wrote to the people of the church in Colossae.

*The great adventure of following Jesus has its dangers. This week students will be warned of the subtle dangers from those both inside and outside the church.

*There is so much challenging, practical content in these passages that we will spend two weeks on it. Paul uses the metaphor of a wardrobe to describe this change from garbage to garments, from the old life to the new.

*Junior high students are often in the middle of trying to figure out their identities. We'll take two weeks to show them what their core identity should look like as followers of Jesus, serving and working in the Kingdom.

*Paul opens and closes this letter with descriptions and instructions regarding prayer - conversations with God. We'll take time to show students how Paul prayed for the followers of Jesus in Colossae.

*We'll challenge leaders and parents to pray this way for these students. And then we'll also challenge the students to follow the instructions Paul gave in praying for others, like their parents, other believers, and ministry leaders.

Wednesday Topic:


*Spring represents a time when you follow Jesus and learn from his teaching and example. Are you following? What are you learning?

* Summer represents the times in life when you go on adventures. What is your next adventure?

* Although they might seem boring to you, times of rest are important. How will you take time to rest and recharge

*There are seasons that you will experience hard times. What can you do now to prepare and how can you help others go through the hard times?

Junior High Youth Ministers:

Jason Phillips



Christina Phillips



6th grade through 8th grade.

Our ACOC Junior High Youth Group has a private Facebook page.

Check it out:
