If you're looking for a place to call "home", a place where your fears are comforted, your thoughts are important, your dreams are cheered on, and where you can experience a peace that passes our human understanding...you've come to the right place!  The church is a place where you can find out for yourself that when the Bible says...

"It is Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for"

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About Anderson Church of Christ

We gather weekly to worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00. In the manner of the earliest Christians, we take the Lord’s Supper every Sunday to honor and remember the death of Christ for our sins. We lift up our hearts and souls in pray and song to God and we hear his Word read aloud. We also are blessed with teaching from the Bible which equips and encourages us to be what God meant for us to be. We also offer an opportunity to tithe for the Lord's work to continue here in Anderson.

​It is impossible to travel this journey alone, God has given us one another to encourage and challenge each other in the faith. The Anderson Church of Christ provides opportunities for those of all ages and backgrounds to find a group that they can both be encouraged by and offer encouragement.


There are so many ways to get involved in our community. Learn about our church, our mission, Life Groups & Ministries offered and how you can get involved, Here.​
