We believe that God has worked and is working through Jesus Christ to reconcile humanity to Him. This reconciliation comes through the act of God becoming human in the person of Jesus, dying for our sins, and being raised to give us hope of life beyond the grave. We believe that God has bestowed his Spirit upon all who accept Jesus as Lord for the purpose of transforming us into the image of Christ. We believe that Jesus will one day return to consummate the victory that was begun through the cross and resurrection.
We believe that those who choose to follow Jesus turn from a life that opposes God and are baptized into Christ. Those who do so become disciples of Jesus and commit themselves to the Lord and to the church. We believe that the church is the body of Christ and that God intends for the church to be God's witness to the world. Therefore the church is not a secondary part of God's work in the world, but a vital part of it.
We believe that the Bible is the word of God. it reveals the nature of God and his work of reconciliation to all of humanity. We believe that the Bible is the guide for the church in matters of morality, social justice, church organization, and teaching.